We are excited to introduce the HELPme app – a 24/7 support system for students, families, and school employees.
The HELPme app empowers every member of our school community to seek support whenever they need it, while remaining completely anonymous!
Whether it's a student battling bullying, a family in need of food or shelter, a school employee feeling overwhelmed, or anyone facing a personal challenge – HELPme is here to support us.
The HELPme app provides three ways for our school community to ask for and receive help:
• GET RESOURCES is a safe space for users to explore essential needs and wellness resources at their own pace. It provides a confidential way to connect with local resources, ensuring privacy and dignity for those seeking assistance.
• CRISIS TEXT LINE provides users with immediate mental health support. With a network of 27,000+ trained crisis counselors, users can text with a counselor (day or night), making sure no one feels isolated in their time of need. Counselors are available 24/7, 365 days of the year.
• ASK FOR HELP is an anonymous communication channel between users and designated school personnel. It allows users to request help directly from their school without the pressure of disclosing their identity. Users may also request help for a friend or family member.
We kindly urge all parents to download the app. HELPme is not only a support system for your children, but also for YOU.
Getting Started with HELPme:
1. Download the app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
2. Select your school from the dropdown menu or enter the code provided by the school.
3. Accept the Terms & Conditions.
